Pure-FTP / How to Create User or reset Password

Pure-FTP is one of the stable , Secure  FTP server , Very easy to install from source or using YUM in CentOS,  or In Case of Ubuntu just run “sudo Apt-get install pure-ftpd-common pure-ftpd.


After Installation, I have noticed it has a Database of it’s own for handling users and a bunch of nice commands to manage them. here it goes


 Create New FTP User

Open the terminal and run this command:

ajay~# pure-pw useradd ajay -u ftpusers  -g ftpusers -d /var/www/html/ajay

Users are stored by default in this location: /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.passwd , Here -u ftpusers and -g ftpusers represent the corresponding Linux user, This will help you for the permissions and stuff later.

After creating a user, you have to update this database with this command:

ajay~# pure-pw mkdb

If you want to get information about a specific FTP user, use this command:

ajay~# pure-pw show ajay

To list all FTP users,

run this command:

ajay~#  pure-pw list

Reset FTP User Password

If you a user password is forgotten, you can reset it with the following command:

ajay~#  pure-pw passwd ajay

Dont forget to update  your database with this command:

ajay~# pure-pw mkdb


Cool , now feel bit more powerful. have a great time ahead

liblamemp3.dylib error in audacity to export as mp3 – FIXED

Lame Library needs to be installed additionally to export mp3 files from audacity.
Use the current Audacity and download Lame Library v3.98.2 for Audacity.dmg.zip
When you have finished downloading, extract and double-click the .dmg to mount it, then go to the Finder (in Safari, “Lame Library v3.98.2 for Audacity.pkg” will be extracted automatically after downloading).
Double-click “Lame Library v3.98.2 for Audacity.pkg”. This will install the LAME binary “libmp3lame.dylib” in /usr/local/lib/audacity

If Audacity asks where the MP3 encoding library is when you export as MP3:

Click Audacity > Preferences then the Libraries tab ## Look for the MP3 Export section
Click the “Find Library” button
Click “Browse”
In the dialog box, navigate to /usr/local/lib/audacity, and select “libmp3lame.dylib”
Click Open, then OK

memory issues and OSx Yosemite

memory clean

I recently bought 8 GB of RAM for my 2010 MacBook Pro and it was a significant improvement over the 4GB that was previously installed. Everything ran a lot smoother and I could run way more programs at once than previously. but i noticed MAC OS X keep holding memory for future use and keeping it as inactive memory.


Well as you know open terminal and run purge will free up some memory, it get annoying if you need to purge memory every hour or so ,  i fount this awesome small program works very well to monitor and clean the inactive memory.

yes you know i am talking about memory clean , go ahead download and install it from app store or mac update.



memory clean
memory clean

anyway , by looking at Activity monitor i like the way apple changed the memory graph and added memory pressure thing…

activity monitor
activity monitor

App Memory – The amount of memory being used up by programs.

File Cache – Memory that is available in RAM to be used by apps that contains recently used files. For example, if you close Safari, then the RAM that Safari was using will be marked as File Cache and can be used by another app. However, if you don’t open another app and you open Safari again before that memory gets overwritten, Safari will open faster because it’s file cache still exists.

Wired Memory – This is memory that can’t be moved to disk and therefore must remain in the physical RAM. It also can’t be used by other apps.

Compressed – Memory in RAM that is currently compressed, so that there is more memory available to other apps. Compressed memory is a new feature in OS X Mavericks.

Virtual Memory is the amount of memory that the apps have asked for and does not indicate the amount of memory actually being consumed. Swap Used means data is being transferred to and from your hard disk and RAM. It’s ok if this value is small (<100 MB) and it will never be 0, but a high value indicates a memory problem.

Screen sharing in OS X Yosemite

osx 10.10

After you installed OS X Yosemite ,  you’ve no doubt been busy exploring its various tools and features. but i was looking specifically for my screen sharing app got missing , I use it everyday for remote login,

whew, after spotlight i got the path, here it is /system/Library/Core Services/Application


osx 10.10
yosemite os x


FIXED – Checking config for nagios: Configuration validation failed[FAILED]

nagios logo

Checking config for nagios: Configuration validation failed[FAILED]

I got this error when i tried to take a host out of nagios configuration, after simply removing the host conf file , and i knew i have to delete from the services configuration as well but couldn’t find which service the host were added to .

fount this solution , you simply check your conf file with below command to fix the error. very handy


nagios -v /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg


Found the error

Error: Could not find any host matching ‘stratos.ajayadas.com’ (config file ‘/etc/nagios/services/linux1.cfg’, starting on line 14)
Error: Could not expand hostgroups and/or hosts specified in service (config file ‘/etc/services/linux1.cfg’, starting on line 14)
Error processing object config files!


as you know which line the error is , it’s a piece of cake to fix it!…





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