Run VLC as root in kali linux 2.0

This error says straight forward vlc can not be run as root privileged user. What to do now? Don’t be panic. Here is the hacked solution :-D
vi /usr/bin/vlc
search for geteuid and replace it with getppid

Save file & Exit.

Now it should work, try to run it again ;-)



Mount NTFS partition in Linux

Mount NTFS partition in Linux

Mount NTFS partition in Redhat Enterpris Linux / Ubuntu Linux

Enterprise Linux distributions like Redhat Enterprise Linux ( RHEL ) does not provide native support to Windows NTFS partitions. However you may wand to mount a NTFS formated partiiton in your RHEL box. Here is a simple howto to mount NTFS partitions in your RHEL box.

First of all you need to install a couple of packages. You can use YUM for installing the packages. The rpmforge yum repo contains required rpm packages for mounting NTFS partitions on Linux server. The packages are fuse and fuse-ntfs-3g.

# yum install fuse fuse-ntfs-3g
Yes, you are done now you can mount ntfs partitions on your rhel server using the mount commandas follows.

# mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/device-name /mount-point

For example:
# mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media

This one also works!!!!!

# mount.ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media
Newer Ubuntu distributions like Ubuntu 10.04 LTS natively supports NTFS partiitons, so in a Ubuntu server you can mount NTFS partition by just using the above mount commnad.


The inode (index node) is a fundamental concept in the Linux and UNIX filesystem. Each object in the filesystem is represented by an inode. But what are the objects? Let us try to understand it in simple words. Each and every file under Linux (and UNIX) has following attributes:

=> File type (executable, block special etc)

=> Permissions (read, write etc)
=> Owner
=> Group
=> File Size
=> File access, change and modification time (remember UNIX or Linux never stores file creation time, this is favorite question asked in UNIX/Linux sys admin job interview)
=> File deletion time
=> Number of links (soft/hard)
=> Extended attribute such as append only or no one can delete file including root user (immutability)
=> Access Control List (ACLs)

All the above information stored in an inode. In short the inode identifies the file and its attributes (as above) . Each inode is identified by a unique inode number within the file system. Inode is also know as index number.

You can use ls -i command to see inode number of file

# ls -li

1324614 -rw——- 1 root root 1529 Oct 6 2009 anaconda-ks.cfg

You can also use stat command to find out inode number and its attribute:
$ stat /etc/passwd



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