changing root password mountion lion

Enable the root user

  1. Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, and then click Users & Groups.
  2. Click the lock icon to unlock it, and then type an administrator name and password.
  3. In the Network Account Server section, click Join or Edit.
  4. Click Open Directory Utility.
  5. Click the lock icon to unlock it, and then enter your administrator name and password.
  6. Choose Edit > Enable Root User, and then enter a root user password in the Password and Verify fields.Be sure to specify a secure password.

Change the root user password

  1. Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, and then click Users & Groups.
  2. Click the lock icon to unlock it, and then type an administrator name and password.
  3. In the Network Account Server section, click Join or Edit.
  4. Click Open Directory Utility.
  5. Click the lock icon to unlock it, and then enter your administrator name and password.
  6. Choose Edit > Change Root Password, and then enter a root user password in the Password and Verify fields.Be sure to specify a secure password.


change folder icon mac mountain lion

To change your Mac’s Finder folder icons, all you need to do is copy the new icon you wish to use, and paste it onto the old one. The process is simple, but it requires a few steps.

To start, select an icon you want to use as your first new icon.

Copying the New Icon


    1. Open the Icons folder.

Inside the Icons folder, you’ll find 26 folders, each with a unique icon and a folder name associated with it. If you examine the 26 folders, you’ll find they’re empty folders, with no sub-content.

What each folder does have, however, is an assigned icon. That’s the icon you see when you view the folder in the Finder. Each folder also has a name associated with it. You’ll notice the names mirror the names of popular folders your Mac already has, such as Movies, Pictures, and Documents. These names are only suggestions for where to use the icons; you can freely use them for any folders you wish.

I’m going to use the Documents icon in the Refresh Snow Leopard icon set to replace the generic folder icon used by my About folder. My About folder is where I keep all of the material related to the About: Macs web site, so having a distinct icon will make it easier to find when I open Finder windows.

To copy the icon from a folder, follow these instructions:

    1. Right-click the Documents folder (or the folder of your choice) in the icon set, and select Get Info from the pop-up menu.


    1. In the Get Info window that opens, you’ll see a thumbnail view of the folder’s icon in the top left-hand corner of the window.


    1. Click the thumbnail icon once to select it.


    1. Press command + c or select ‘Copy’ from the Edit menu.


    1. The icon has now been copied to your Mac’s clipboard.


  1. Close the Get Info window.

Changing a Folder Icon

    1. In the Finder, browse to the parent folder of the item whose icon you wish to change. In my case, I will browse to my Home folder, which is where I will find my About folder.


    1. Right-click the folder whose icon you wish to change.


    1. From the pop-up menu, select Get Info.


    1. In the Get Info window that opens, you’ll see a thumbnail view of the folder’s current icon in the top left-hand corner of the window.


    1. Click the thumbnail icon once to select it.


    1. Press command + v or select ‘Paste’ from the Edit menu.


    1. The icon you copied to the clipboard earlier will be pasted onto the selected folder icon as its new icon.


  1. Close the Get Info window.

The folder will now be displaying its new icon.

Setting up an SSL secured apache Webserver with CentOS 6.x

Setting up an SSL secured Webserver with CentOS


This guide will explain how to set up a site over https. The tutorial uses a self signed key so will work well for a personal website or testing purposes. This is provided as is so proceed at your own risk and take backups!


1. Getting the required software

For an SSL encrypted web server you will need a few things. Depending on your install you may or may not have OpenSSL and mod_ssl, Apache’s interface to OpenSSL. Use yum to get them if you need them.


yum install mod_ssl openssl

Yum will either tell you they are installed or will install them for you.


2. Generate a self-signed certificate

Using OpenSSL we will generate a self-signed certificate. If you are using this on a production server you are probably likely to want a key from Trusted Certificate Authority, but if you are just using this on a personal site or for testing purposes a self-signed certificate is fine. To create the key you will need to be root so you can either su to root or use sudo in front of the commands


# Generate private key 
openssl genrsa -out ca.key 1024 

# Generate CSR 
openssl req -new -key ca.key -out ca.csr

# Generate Self Signed Key
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in ca.csr -signkey ca.key -out ca.crt

# Copy the files to the correct locations
cp ca.crt /etc/pki/tls/certs
cp ca.key /etc/pki/tls/private/ca.key
cp ca.csr /etc/pki/tls/private/ca.csr
WARNING: Make sure that you copy the files and do not move them if you use SELinux. Apache will complain about missing certificate files otherwise, as it cannot read them because the certificate files do not have the right SELinux context.

If you have moved the files and not copied them, you can use the following command to correct the SELinux contexts on those files, as the correct context definitions for /etc/pki/* come with the bundled SELinux policy.


restorecon -RvF /etc/pki

Then we need to update the Apache SSL configuration file


vi +/SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf

Change the paths to match where the Key file is stored. If you’ve used the method above it will be


SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca.crt

Then set the correct path for the Certificate Key File a few lines below. If you’ve followed the instructions above it is:


SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/ca.key

Quit and save the file and then restart Apache


/etc/init.d/httpd restart

All being well you should now be able to connect over https to your server and see a default Centos page. As the certificate is self signed browsers will generally ask you whether you want to accept the certificate. Firefox 3 won’t let you connect at all but you can override this.


3. Setting up the virtual hosts

Just as you set VirtualHosts for http on port 80 so you do for https on port 443. A typical VirtualHost for a site on port 80 looks like this


<VirtualHost *:80>
        <Directory /var/www/vhosts/>
        AllowOverride All
        DocumentRoot /var/www/vhosts/

To add a sister site on port 443 you need to add the following at the top of your file


NameVirtualHost *:443

and then a VirtualHost record something like this:


<VirtualHost *:443>
        SSLEngine on
        SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca.crt
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/ca.key
        <Directory /var/www/vhosts/>
        AllowOverride All
        DocumentRoot /var/www/vhosts/

Restart Apache again using


/etc/init.d/httpd restart


4. Configuring the firewall

You should now have a site working over https using a self-signed certificate. If you can’t connect you may need to open the port on your firewall. To do this amend your iptables rules:


iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/service iptables save
iptables -L -v

how to show hidden files in mac OS-X mountain lion


 To Make every hidden files visible


, lauch terminal and run this
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
Press return

Now hold ‘alt’ on the keyboard and right click on the Finder icon
Click on Relaunch

reverse the operation by typing
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO


make one particular folder visible

If you want to make the Library visible then launch Terminal (in Utilities) and copy/paste the following line:


chflags nohidden ~/Library


The hit returned and relaunch the finder.


You can reverse this operation to hide it again using:


chflags hidden ~/Library

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